With Vermont starting to thaw and the maple beginning to flow, the Gihon Valley Hall Committee spent much of its March meeting discussing plans for Spring. This included repairs which are currently underway thanks to our Cultural Facilities Grant from the Vermont Arts Council, scoping out upcoming projects like repairing the building's porch roof, and discussing plans for our first public events of 2021.
The committee decided to once again host a May 1st Green Up Day station on the front lawn of the Hall where locals can drop by and pick up Green Up trash bags and purchase fresh, homemade pies -- because who wouldn't want a treat after cleaning up the roadsides? Pie sale proceeds will go to the Hall's ongoing renovation projects.
Also on display on Green Up Day will be a new Little Free Library. The mini library, made possible by the Friends of Lanpher Memorial Library, will be installed on the Hall's front porch and there for anyone in the community to donate or take a book.
If you'd like to learn more about our renovation plans, and other fundraising and event plans, please join our April committee meeting via Zoom on Monday April 12 at 6:00pm.
The Zoom meeting link is: https://zoom.us/j/95647018584
Passcode: 313040
Or join via phone at 301-715-8592, Meeting ID: 956 4701 8584, Passcode: 313040