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November Meetings Agenda, October Meetings Minutes (and Announcements!)

During October the Gihon Valley Hall Committee was thrilled to learn that we have been awarded a Cultural Facilities Grant from the Vermont Arts Council! This grant of $10,835 will be matched by funds the Town has budgeted for this fiscal year to help renovate the hall. We'll be using the grant to install a new energy efficient heat pump system to heat and cool the first floor and to hire an electrician to upgrade the building's electric work for safety and more capacity for events.

More good news: In the past month we also welcomed the arrival of high-speed broadband WiFi at the hall, and we were successful in getting the old propane heater working in the main space to take the chill out of the air during our fall meetings and repair projects. Progress!

All are invited to join our November committee meetings at the hall (please wear a mask) or via Zoom on Monday November 9 and Monday November 23 at 5:30pm. We'll be discussing ongoing building renovation projects and planning of our next events and fundraisers.

The Zoom meeting link is:

Passcode: 313040

Or join via phone at 301-715-8592, Meeting ID: 956 4701 8584, Passcode: 313040

October Meeting Minutes


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