We may appear to be hibernating while the snow blankets Vermont. But the Gihon Valley Hall committee has been busy applying for grants to fund our list of renovation projects. And -- funded in part by our Cultural Facilities Grant from the Vermont Arts Council -- we've hired a team to upgrade the building's electrical work on the first floor and basement and install a new pair of energy efficient heat pumps. This work will be done before the snow melts, which could mean we are able to open our doors earlier in the season this coming spring, COVID safety measures permitting.
If you'd like to learn more about our renovation plans, and other fundraising and event plans, please join our February committee meeting via Zoom on Monday February 8 at 6:00pm.
The Zoom meeting link is: https://zoom.us/j/95647018584
Passcode: 313040
Or join via phone at 301-715-8592, Meeting ID: 956 4701 8584, Passcode: 313040
January Meeting Minutes