With our first event of 2022 on Green Up Day, May 7, the Gihon Valley Hall is once again open for the season. We're welcoming community members who'd like to host events at the hall -- just get in touch!
Our resident historian, Monica Heath, created a history walk throughout North Hyde Park Village for Green Up Day. It was fascinating to read about the former lives that in habited our neighborhood. If you missed it, don't worry, we plan to set it up again this summer as part of our village pedestrian crosswalks project in collaboration with Lamoille County Planning Commission and VTrans.
And if you missed our Green Up Day seed swap, you can still snag a few packets of garden vegetable and herb seeds by poking your head in to our Little Free Library. We're grateful to High Mowing for the donation of seeds and look forward to planting the hall's community vegetable garden in the weeks to come.
All are welcome to join our monthly committee meetings, via Zoom or in person at the Hall. Second and fourth Mondays at 6pm.
The Zoom meeting link is: https://zoom.us/j/95647018584 , Passcode: 313040
Or join via phone at 301-715-8592, Meeting ID: 956 4701 8584, Passcode: 313040
April Minutes
Want to learn more about our work? Download our meeting minutes.