Hey, have a seat, check your email, grab a book, or some kale! Our front porch is bursting with new life. Dale recently fixed up a pair of comfy chairs so visitors can relax beside the Little Free Library or enjoy our high speed wi-fi (contact us if you want the password to this lovely hot spot).
In addition, thanks to a grant from RiseVT, the Lanpher Memorial Library and Partners in Education (P.I.E.) set us up with a raised garden bed that Liz has planted with vegetables and herbs. We hope passers will enjoy plucking some produce for healthy eating once our seedlings grow up a little.
This July, we have several events at the Hall... and beyond!
July 12 - GVH Committee Meeting - 6pm at the Hall*
July 13 - Visit us at Tuesday Night Live - 6pm at Legion Field in Johnson
July 14 - Hyde Park Fire District #1 Annual District Meeting - 7pm at the Hall
July 26 - Visit us at the Hyde Park Ice Cream Social - Hyde Park Village
July 31-Aug 9 - Join the Second Annual Hyde Park Road Rally
*If you'd like to get involved with the Gihon Valley Hall, please join our July committee meeting in person if you wear a mask, or remotely via Zoom.
The Zoom meeting link is: https://zoom.us/j/95647018584
Passcode: 313040
Or join via phone at 301-715-8592, Meeting ID: 956 4701 8584, Passcode: 313040