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Fall at the Hall

Our first ever Fall Festival in September was a delightful, beautiful day in the village! While wet weather the day before caused our crosswalk test to be postponed, the neighborhood was still bustling with people, food, and activity. Crafts were sold, apples were pressed into cider, kids played on the lawn and enjoyed books from the Lanpher Library, Chris Lyon played music from the porch, and folks strolled the neighborhood for yard sales, baked goods, and good eats from the Tasty Bites food truck. A big thank you to everyone who made this day possible!

September also saw the arrival of square dancing at Gihon Valley Hall as The Lamoille River Dancers hosted a free dance for all ages. Anyone interested in learning country dance can join their $5 classes Tuesdays or Thursdays in October. Dates and times of classes and the next free Saturday open dance are posted on our calendar. Contact Bill for more info: 635-7302

September Minutes & October Meetings

All are welcome to join our monthly committee meetings. Our next meetings are Oct 11 and 25 at 6pm – in person if you wear a mask, or remotely via Zoom.

The Zoom meeting link is:

Passcode: 313040

Or join via phone at 301-715-8592, Meeting ID: 956 4701 8584, Passcode: 313040


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