For January meeting minutes, scroll to the bottom
Town Meeting is right around the corner, and on the agenda is a floor vote to create a Reserve Fund from the town's unassigned General Fund for repairs, construction, and improvements of Town Community Buildings (see Article 6). If approved, the Gihon Valley Hall is one of the buildings that will benefit. If you like what we're doing here to restore and revitalize the hall, we hope you'll vote in favor of this article!
To keep voters and citizens looped in on our work, the Gihon Valley Hall Committee created a page for the town's annual report. But here's some quick highlights in terms of numbers:
64 audience members filled the room for the Modern Times Theater's touring performance last November, our most well-attended event of the year
33 original windows from c.1910 are in the process of being restored
20 pies were sold at our spring and fall fundraisers, approximately (maybe we ate a couple ourselves)
2 crosswalks were tested in a first-of-its-kind traffic study in partnership with VTrans, LCPC, and with support from the Vermont Natural Resources Council and our town’s road crew
2 new committee members have joined our ranks, Valerie Valcour and Russ Longtin
1 new honor: the “Valley Hall” is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places
The Gihon Valley Hall Committee looks forward to re-opening the doors in the spring. If you have ideas for events you'd like to bring to Gihon Valley Hall, or just a general curiosity about how you can get involved with our efforts, contact us at, follow us on Facebook or Instagram (@gihonvalleyhall), or call Al Spitzer at (802) 730-3374.
The committee meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6pm – all are welcome to drop in, and we’re actively seeking new members to support our amazing volunteer team. The hall is also available for private rentals.
January 2023 Minutes
Want to learn more about our work? Download our meeting minutes.